Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kids Read Comics and Heroes

Come and see us at these two shows!


Well, at this Michigan one, it's just me, But EVERYBODY pretty much will be at Heroes! If you live anywhere nearby and DON't come and visit, we will cry.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Nick Magazine Shutting Down?

It seems as if Viacom is shutting down Nickelodeon Magazine, which seems like crazysauce to me.

Where will America's children get their monthly comics anthology fix now? Kids Love Comics, and there are alot of us cartoonists who do things kids like, why is it so hard to get these two concepts to solve each other?

On a personal note, I've been attempting to get my cartoons published in Nick Mag for years now, me and Editor Chris Duffy have been emailing lately, I finally hit upon a simple, fun idea that he really liked, so the timing is Especially Doubly Frustrating.

My heart goes out to Chris and co-conspirator Dave Roman, I wish them and their displaced cartoonists all the luck they require in turning this annoying situation to their advantage somehow.

Stupid Economy: I BLAME YOU!